About Me

About Me

My name is Alexander Petrache and I am a Software developer ( Web & Mobile )
I have significant experience with Next.js and Flutter.

Regarding databases, I am more familiar with MongoDB, but also know some fundamental SQL.
Technologies I really like and I am familiar with are Git, Typescript and TailwindCSS.
I mainly have experience through personal projects.

Be sure to check my GitHub

I am also a Cyber Security enthusiast.

My name is Alexander Petrache and I am a Software developer ( Web & Mobile )
I have significant experience with Next.js and Flutter.

Regarding databases, I am more familiar with MongoDB, but also know some fundamental SQL.
Technologies I really like and I am familiar with are Git, Typescript and TailwindCSS.
I mainly have experience through personal projects.

Be sure to check my GitHub

I am also a Cyber Security enthusiast.